Restore all Israel - Jew and Gentile, one in Jesus/Yahshua
Yahshua/Jesus said Elijah must come before the
day of His return. (Matt. 17:11) The spirit of Elijah is one of restoration, and this is
happening in our day.
Welcome to our website! Peter and 'Beth and friends
In our generation, there is a watering down of God/Yahweh's word, and thousands are throwing out the
truths contained in it, and lowering standards, encouraging belief in 'the big bang' - opposing the
truth of creation as written, and there is wholesale unbelief raging on the planet. However,
because Yahweh/God loves humanity,
He is seeing to it that there is also a great outpouring of
truth in our world, and an understanding of Biblical text, in order for people to be prepared for His
return and escape judgement. On Internet sites, websites,
social media, pulpits and other public platforms
for everyone to read and hear, truth is being taught, and the accurate exposition of the scriptures for
anyone who desires truth, and to be ready for His return.
Just as the generation alive in Noah's
day heard from him about the coming flood, so this generation needs to know the truth being revealed
from the Almighty before the return of His Son. We seek to do our part in this in preparation for
His next coming, when He shall come not as a babe,
wrapped in swaddling clothes, but as the Mighty Warrior King Who will rule the
whole world, bringing righteousness, judgement and peace.
Through studying the Bible for
ourselves and gleaning truth from others over the years
we have found some wonderful truths, and sharing those truths is the purpose of this website.
We hope that you enjoy reading these pages. Feel free to contact
us. (See 'CONTACT US' in the menu) and if you would like to add any compatible articles to our website,
or relevant links, let us know, as we are thinking of having a special page for contributions from
other sources, for we certainly know that we do not possess the whole of truth!
May Yahweh/God bless your reading.